Monday, September 27, 2010

Michele Bravo Playing With Fire Chapter 29


Michele Bravo pushed Gus Keller away.

“Sorry, Keller,” she said. “Not in the middle of a job. When it’s over.”

“Sure,” he said shortly.

Damn, damn, damn thought Michele as she resumed her laps. This wasn’t supposed to be happening. She’d intended to teach Keller a lesson he’d never forget, not develop feelings for him!

He was a good kisser, she had to give him that.

But he was also a member of the Special Crimes Bureau, a rookie, and someone who thought he could capture her, her, Taran Tula, all by himself.

Well, that was not going to happen. After she finished this little scenario, debacle though it was turning out to be, she would dump him like a bad transmission.

He is a nice kisser, though, she thought as she swam her laps.

But there is no future in our relationship, she thought. He’s on the side of the angels. And while I’m on the side of the angels also, that fact must never become known. Taran Tula must die…Michele Bravo must die…so that I can be free.


Women, thought Gus Keller, stroking through the water with some serious power to alleviate the sexual tension that was emanating from him. They’d been kissing, and it felt so good…and then she’d pulled away from him. She’d looked him in the eyes, and he could tell she wanted him, but she’d said, “Sorry, Keller. Not in the middle of a job. When it’s over.”

Why not in the middle of a job, that’s what he wanted to know. Why not?

Still…she’d left the door open…for after the job.

After…the murder.

If he wanted to make tender, passionate love to Marguerite Zelle, he was going to have to kill someone first.

Damn, thought Keller, as he powered through the water. There’s always something.

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