Sunday, September 2, 2012

Michelle Bravo's Seduction ch 4

The second act was as good as the first. There were lots of opportunities for Christopher Wren and Detective Sergeant Trotter to show their acting shops. The actor who played Major Metcalf wasn't too bad either, showing a dry humor.

When the house lights came up, the audience gave the cast a standing ovation.

Anne Greenstreet remained seated, although she applauded as enthusiastically as all the rest.

But her face was thoughtful.

As she'd sat watching the second act, an idea had occurred to her. An idea for a play. An idea for a mystery play, featuring the same actors who had played the roles in The Mousetrap.

Quickly she took a pen out of her purse and wrote her idea on the back of the program, so she wouldn't forget it.

Then she rose to her feet and joined the throng leaving the theater.

The actors were standing in a line in the lobby - still in costume - greeting their audience, shaking hands, saying "Thanks for coming, hope you enjoyed it."

Not all the audience members paused to say hello, and Anne went with them out of the theatre. It wasn't that she didn't want to talk to these actors - particularly the guys who had played Christopher Wren and Detective Sergeant Trotter - but if things went the way she intended, she'd  have plenty of reason to talk to them in future without coming across like a schoolgirl with a crush.

She was going to write a play - and this company of actors would be in it!

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