Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Michelle Bravo's Seduction Ch 2

After having seen the Mousetrap two years ago, Anne had returned to the United States with a new enthusiasm. She'd started reading all of Agatha Christie's mysteries in order, then moved on to Dorothy Sayers and the other Golden Age authors.

One particular thing she had done was to compare the novels the authors had written, to the plays produced from those novels - for it was her desire to become a playwright and write mystery plays good enough to run on Broadway.

After graduating from high school in Rogers she'd worked at a fast food restaurant for a year while writing her play...finally deciding that she'd been too over-confident and that she should go to college and get a degree in Theatre Arts which would help her on her way.

She had applied for a scholarship and worked for another year, saving up money so she could get a little apartment in Sweetwater instead of having to stay at a dorm at the college there which she was now attending.

Anne had brought a book with her - her favorite Lord Peter Wimsey book, Murder Must Advertise, and read through it desultorily as she waited for the play to begin. She was vaguely aware that the theatre was gradually filling up and this made her happy - how said it would be to put on a play and have nobody come.

In no time at all the house lights dimmed, signalling that the play was about to begin.

Anne closed her book and looked toward the stage in anticipation.

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