Monday, September 5, 2011

Chase Me Faster, Part 2

"Im my beginning is my ending," thought Michele Bravo, as she leaned against the railing of the cruise ship.

It had been on a cruise ship, 20 years ago, that she'd learned how easy it was to pretend to be someone you weren't...had felt the excitement of such deception...and that had set her on the road to where she had eventually become an assassin and master thief... although those roles, while real, had only been her deep covers - she'd actually worked for a top secret world-wide justice organization.

But now, after her identity had been discovered by Gus Keller aka the false Mr. Largo, and the debacle that had followed, she had decided that her "mojo" had left her, and it was time for her to retire for good.

A couple of her alter egos had been compromised, but she had plenty of money socked away in untraceable bank accounts, and would be able to go on living her life in the style to which she had become accustomed.

But what was she to do with herself?

After you'd spent the better part of 15 years living life on the edge, to suddenly be tossed into a life of calm and uneventfullness... the new life could get a little dull.

Michele hadn't reached that point yet...but she didn't want to reach it.

To celebrate her retirement, and to take her mind off things, she'd decided to take a cruise, from New York to London and back.

She would rest, she would relax. She would decide what to do in the next chapter of her life.

Michele gazed down at the dolphins following in the wake of the cruise ship. They were so beautiful....

Life was beautiful...or at least, it could be.

Sighing, Michele turned away from the rail and returned to her cabin.

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