Thursday, October 7, 2010

Erotica by Bravo: Dighton & Forrest in new series - Part 1


Peter Dighton and Sasha Forrest walked hand in hand through the WASP museum, which was located in the original Hangar One on what had been Avenger Field in Sweetwater, Texas.

In 1941, just after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor and the armed forces of the USA mobilized to go to war, thousands of women wanted to do their part. They were encouraged by the government, who put out propaganda posters for them to go to work in munitions plants, and to join the WAVES and so on. Jackie Cochran, the most famous aviator of her day, wanted the government to use female pilots to ferry planes around the country, freeing up male pilots to go overseas.

Originally she was turned down, and she travelled over to England to fly with the ATA pilots there – which included women. Meanwhile in the USA , Nancy Harkness Love continued to press the military, and finally the WAFS – women’s auxiliary ferry service, was formed. Hearing of this success. Cochran flew back to the States and insisted on a larger program…which would become the WASP – women auxiliary service pilots.

From 1942 to 1944, over 1800 women trained at Avenger Field, and a little over 1,000 women graduated and became ferry pilots. The last class, which graduated in December, 1944, never got to fly, however. By the end of 1944, the Allies knew that the war was won, and they began to make plans to integrate soldiers back into peacetime society. Part of this plan was to get women to give up their jobs and go back to being homemakers, allowing the soldiers to have jobs to go back to.

This included the WASP, who were disbanded right after the last class graduated. They were civilians, and had to pay their own way home, and they and their services to their country were forgotten until the 1970s.

Avengers Field was still in existence, and in 2005 Hangar One was turned into a museum for the WASP. The small town of Sweetwater still had several buildings from that era, as well.

“I’m thinking,” said Sasha.

“Yes, my darling?” asked Peter.

“You know how we’ve always talked about retiring and running a B&B?”

“Yes, but that’s a looooong way in the future,” Peter said.

“Well…why don’t we do it now? I was walking through the town earlier today, and there’s a few shuttered businesses. I was thinking we could buy one, start up a B&B, and do it with a WWII theme. We could put plays on WW II-plays, and have themed events, and capitalize on the current interest in the WASP.”

“That’s a pretty ambitious plan,” commented Peter, “but I like it.”


A Big Band was playing swing music in one corner of the ballroom in the Avenger Field Canteen and Caravan B&B, the new business of Peter Dighton and Sasha Forrest.

Everyone in the ballroom was dressed in either WW II era fatigues or clothing. The band was dressed in tuxedos. A professional dance pair were regaling the diners with classic dances of the period. When they took their break, the diners got to their feet and cut the rug.

Peter, dressed as a WWII pilot, and Sasha, dressed as a WASP, did the boogie woogie with the best of them.

Although this was their business, they were having fun with it. They had hired a manager and a variety of staff, whom they let do the work, while they entertained the clientele with their plays, or, as on this occasion, simply pretended to be customers themselves.

This was “the night before shipping out” event, and couples had checked into the B&B to have a romantic dinner, then a romantic evening, and finally, a romantic night.

The food hadn’t been stinted on – great food could always be got during war time if one had connections – and Sasha and Peter (as well as their guests) had had prime rib, potatoes and corn, with huge slices of chocolate cake for dessert.

Peter and Sasha were nothing if not thorough in their characterizations – they had each researched their characters and played their roles throughout the evening.

And now…they walked hand in hand to their room (which did not have a TV, only Bakelite radios, and books, newspapers and magazines of the era).

They made love for a long time, that evening, to the background sound of airplanes taking off in the distance. Both of them knew that they might never see each other again. 38 WASP had already died serving their country, she, Sasha, might be next. As for Peter, he was due to ship out to Italy and who knew when a dogfight might not claim his life.

That was the ambiance that gave a certain soupcon to their lovemaking.

Afterwards, they lay back in bed, listening to a Jack Benny program and cuddling.

“I wonder how many people in the rest of our rooms are making love right now,” Peter said, “In the proper spirit, I mean. Pretending to be in the middle of the war, and this being their last night with their sweetheart. “

“It certainly adds a certain..poignancy…to the lovemaking,” Sasha agreed.

“This was a good idea, Sasha,” Peter said, kissing her lovingly.

“Thank you, my dear,” said Sasha.

They turned off the lights and listened to Jack Benny in the dark, while the constant drone of aircraft provided a counterpoint to the end of the evening.

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