Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sunday recap

For the benefit of those who missed the beginning chapter of Erotica By Bravo (I'm not sure how far back Kindle archives go - 5 pages worth at least, I'm sure, but is that far enough?)

Michele Bravo, in her identity as Taran Tula, freelance assassin and art thief, was summoned to a meeting at a casino hotel in Minnesota. She was needed because of her expertise in speaking German, and knowledge of the Entartete Kunst, artwork by such artists as Vincent Van Gogh, Picasso, etc., declared degenerate by the Nazis before and during WWII, and confiscated by the Nazis to decorate their own homes. Some famous and valuable artwork were destroyed in bonfires...but were they destroyed or were they hidden by fanatical collectors, ready to be found today?

This turns out to be a moot point, because Michele's contact, a man called Mr. Largo, is a man whom Michele knows. Imagine her surprise when the contact at the hotel, calling himself Mr. Largo, turns out to be a fake. She quickly makes her escape, leaving the false Mr. Largo behind, and alive, to avoid complications, and decides she must retire the Taran Tula identity.

Gus Keller, the man who played Mr. Largo, is a rookie Special Crimes Division agent, pressed into the role of Largo because he too speaks German and is an art expert, and also knows about the Entartete Kunst. Keller believes that Taran Tula is a vicious killer, and thinks that she didn't kill him because she fell in love with him....much as he did with her.

So now Keller on his own has tracked down Michele Bravo via a fingerprint she carelessly left on a spoon she'd been using to eat an icecream sundae. He's in love, Michele's emotions...are conflicted. Death for him, or possible dishonor for her.

What is she going to do? Why, play with fire.

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